UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Business and Management Department of Finance 172 Measuring Product Market Competition Supervisor: BISETTI, Emilio / FINA Student: BAI, Tianzong / ECOF CHEN, Jinghui / FINA JIANG, Yuxuan / MAEC LI, Fei Pang / BIBU LI, Ziru / RMBI XU, Suixin / QFIN YUAN, Wai Man / FINA ZHANG, Jiayi / MAEC ZHU, Letian / ECON Course: UROP3100, Summer UROP1000, Summer UROP2100, Summer UROP2100, Summer UROP3100, Summer UROP1000, Summer UROP1000, Summer UROP3100, Summer UROP1000, Summer Our project aims to evaluate the level of competition among companies by analyzing product scanner data from the Nielsen database. We use various sources, such as New Bing, Google, and Refinitiv, to search for ownership changes of each manufacturer which helps us establish a direct link between manufacturers and the ultimate parent public companies. Additionally, we calculate the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) for each product module every quarter at the county level from 2006 to 2020. To manifest market competitiveness in different regions of the United States, we also utilize this data to calculate changes in county-level HHI over time and create heat maps to visualize these changes. Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences Supervisor: YEGEN, Eyub / FINA Student: CHAU, Hiu Ki Gigi / RMBI HSIANG, Hsu-hsuan / MARK SO, Shing Mei / FINA WONG, Yeung Yi / QFIN WU, Hsin-yu / WBB Course: UROP1100, Summer UROP1000, Summer UROP1000, Summer UROP1100, Summer UROP1000, Summer Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences (Project ID: Fall202122-1642) is a joint research project under the supervision of Professor Eyub Yegen, in collaboration with the University of Chicago, University of California at Berkeley, and Boston University. This project aims to research asset management companies’ and institutional investors’ specific preferences for ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This report included our work and findings from the research process. It comprises (1) our finding and reflection on assigned reading materials related to institutional investors’ attitudes and preference toward responsible investments and corporate social responsibility. (2) Investigation on benchmarking practices of green funds, in cooperation with Mr. Yiming Zhang from HKUST.