UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Business and Management Department of Finance 173 Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences Supervisor: YEGEN, Eyub / FINA Student: HSIANG, Hsu-hsuan / MARK SO, Shing Mei / FINA WU, Peiqi / RMBI ZHANG, Xincheng / QFIN Course: UROP1100, Spring UROP1100, Spring UROP1100, Spring UROP2100, Spring This is a joint project with professors from the University of Chicago, University of California at Berkeley, and Boston University, to research whether certain types of asset management companies have specific preferences for ESG. This report documented our research progress for this semester, including (1) reflection and summary of assigned reading articles related to investors' and economists’ attitudes toward responsible investments and corporate social responsibility. (2) Manual funds data matching, in corporation with Ms. Marion from the University of Chicago. Last but not least, (3) our internal work distribution and contribution. Institutional Investors and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Preferences Supervisor: YEGEN, Eyub / FINA Student: JIANG, Yunshu / ECOF LI, Jingrui / MAEC QIAO, Yanliu / QFIN SO, Eric Yik Huen / SBM YEUNG, Singyu / ECOF ZHANG, Xincheng / QFIN ZENG, Ziyu / DA Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Fall UROP1100, Fall UROP1100, Fall UROP1100, Fall UROP1100, Fall This project aims to understand whether certain types of asset management companies have specific preferences to Environmental, Social and Governance aspects as ESG has become an important benchmark in the financial market. The report will be divided into 3 sections. First, an introduction of fund prospectus and its essential components. Secondly, a pattern analysis on various ESG funds issued by the major asset management companies and a summary on the ESG fund prospectus reports. Data is collected and matched in datasets manually from the ESG reports from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Thirdly, a conclusion to wrap up the entire research report.