UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Business and Management Department of Finance 176 Products, Supply Chains, and Finance Supervisor: ZALDOKAS, Alminas / FINA Student: CHAN, Wai Chung / MAEC KO, Chun Him / ACCT Course: UROP1100, Spring UROP2100, Spring The use of Kamikaze as a bid rigging method is prevalent in Brazil. This study examines the factors that influence bid-rigging effects, bid-rigging laws across various countries, and government auction policies. The first segment of the study analyzes the potential impact of Kamikaze on government institutions and society, including the waste of public resources and hindrance of innovative solutions. The second segment investigates the possibility of overpriced procurements for road repair contributing to increased accidents, utilizing a dataset of total accidents in Brazil and a procurement sample. Finally, the third segment presents the results visually to demonstrate the potential impact of Kamikaze on the number of accidents, deaths, and injuries. Products, Supply Chains, and Finance Supervisor: ZALDOKAS, Alminas / FINA Student: CHEONG, Cheuk Pui / MAEC HUANG, Xingsheng / MAEC JIANG, Wenqi / QFIN LUO, Yulan / ECOF WU, Peiqi / RMBI Course: UROP1100, Summer UROP1100, Summer UROP1100, Summer UROP1100, Summer UROP1100, Summer The objective of this study is to examine the effect of competition policies on corporate environmental and social initiatives, as well as the potential impact of field offices on firm collusion, specifically in the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. This report presents our research progress for this semester, including (1) Analyzing the potential conflict between firm environmental and social (E&S) initiatives and competition (antitrust) policies by reviewing relevant media discussions and academic articles. (2) Evaluating the impact of antitrust divisions and the measurement of product market collusion by reflecting on the provided paper and conducting further research. Finally, (3) outlining our internal work distribution and individual contributions.