UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Chemistry 6 Synthesis and Spectroscopy of Hybrid Donor-acceptor Metal-halide Perovskites Supervisor: LU, Haipeng / CHEM Student: JUSMIN, Frederick Gabriel / CHEM-IRE Course: UROP1100, Summer Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are an emerging class of materials which have high tunability in the number of inorganic layers and relaxed tolerance factor. Recently, perovskite structures incorporating functional organic cations have shown unique properties and is a promising approach in designing new materials for optoelectronics. Here in, we incorporate a modified naphthalene diimide core, which is a common electron acceptor used in optoelectronics, into quasi-2D perovskite structures. Compared to typical alkyl spacer cations, bulky conjugated cations contribute to the frontier electronic structure producing a type II bandgap, where holes and electrons are confined in different layers. UV-vis absorption and PL spectra have proven that bulky cations can form quasi-2D perovskite structures. New Methodologies for Organoborane Synthesis Supervisor: QUAN, Yangjian / CHEM Student: CHAN, Fung / CHEM LY, Kit San / CHEM Course: UROP1000, Summer UROP1000, Summer Hydroboration is a useful reaction to introduce boron to unsaturated compounds by reacting with all kinds of borane (Li et al., 2021). The organoborane compounds could be further functionalized by other reactions such as oxidation to get alcohol (Elsherbini et al., 2020) or Suzuki coupling to extent carbon number. New methodologies for hydroboration are highly demanded, therefore alkene synthesis is crucial to test the tolerance of different functional groups in alkene. The following report will focus on the synthesis of a series of unsaturated olefins as starting materials for hydroboration. New Methodologies for Organoborane Synthesis Supervisor: QUAN, Yangjian / CHEM Student: FU, Yiyi / CHEM XU, Yinghe / CHEM Course: UROP1000, Summer UROP1000, Summer A radical process of β-addition of N-heterocyclic carbene borane (NHC-BH3) to phenol- and ester-substituted alkyne by visible light irritation with 4-CzIPN is reported. Theoretically, E (trans) or Z (cis) conformation can be controlled via variation of wavelength of a household light bulb. At 427nm, E (trans) adduct prevails while Z (cis) is suspected to dominate below 427nm. The thermodynamics of E (trans)/Z (cis) isomers and their interconversions are still under investigations. Further experiments are planned in order to check if temperature, reaction time, energy transfer catalysts, and lower wavelengths (below 427nm) can contribute to E (trans)/Z (cis) conversion.