UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Business and Management Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management 182 On Identifying Web3 Business Opportunities and Challenges Supervisor: LEE, Dongwon / ISOM Student: JIA, Ningxin / ECOF Course: UROP1100, Spring Security Token Offerings represent a new and emerging trend in the world of financial technology, providing a new way for businesses to raise funds and for investors to gain exposure to unique investment opportunities. This report aims to explore the various advantages and challenges associated with STOs, as well as the ecosystem and recent trend of real estate in APAC. Additionally, this report will analyze the gaps in technology and regulations and provide insights into the potential future of this exciting new asset class. On Identifying Web3 Business Opportunities and Challenges Supervisor: LEE, Dongwon / ISOM Student: LAN, Ziyuan / QFIN Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Spring UROP3200, Summer In the Web3 landscape, security incidents pose a significant risk to Non-Fungible Token (NFT) prices. This study focuses on the causal impact of different types of security incidents on two NFT assets - Lympo ($LYM) and TwiFi ($TWT). These assets are affected by smart contract loopholes and hot wallet attacks, respectively, causing negative price effects of 30.30% and 24.03%. The research emphasizes the need for effective prevention strategies in the Web3 arena, as the correlation between security incidents and price decline is evident. These findings highlight opportunities to improve security and inform preventive measures within the Web3 ecosystem. On Identifying Web3 Business Opportunities and Challenges Supervisor: LEE, Dongwon / ISOM Student: RYU, Changho / SBM Course: UROP1100, Summer Global carbon trading combats emissions, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. Through the exchange of 'carbon allowances,' prices reflect supply-demand dynamics and environmental impact. This market is divided into primary and secondary sectors, reducing emissions while growing. However, market expansion reveals limitations such as limited transparency in valuation and transaction records, supply constraints, and permit costs, leading to restricted accessibility. Integrating blockchain technology and virtual assets into carbon emissions trading offers a promising solution. Blockchain's potential to enhance transaction stability, transparency, and liquidity in carbon emissions trading is promising. Nonetheless, concerns about digitizing carbon offsets, market overheating, and insufficient carbon reduction contributions persist. The paper explores the combination of carbon emission permits with blockchain technology, investigating potential opportunities and risks through existing examples.