UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Business and Management Department of Management 187 Multiculturalism, Social Judgments and Decisions Supervisor: CHAO, Melody Manchi / MGMT Student: NG, Ying Lam / ECOF Course: UROP2100, Fall UROP3100, Spring UROP4100, Summer Based on Shestowsky (2004)’s experiment framework, we tested ADR procedural preferences in a multicultural sample to assess intercultural variations in favorability of ADR procedures, as well as effects of need for closure that affects individual preferences in ADR. In part 1, we generated the preference rankings of ADR procedures of 5 Asian and 1 American samples, and observed variations and the strong preference towards participant’s control over outcome, procedure and rules in most countries. We also applied 2 methods to improve the rankings. In part 2, using a multiple linear regression test, we observed that need for closure, measured using a 15item scale, predicts individual’s opinion towards certain ADR procedures, while its effect is particularly valid in the Korean sample. Multiculturalism, Social Judgments and Decisions Supervisor: CHAO, Melody Manchi / MGMT Student: WEN, Ruixi / WBB Course: UROP1000, Summer By examining the current conceptualization of cultural competence as defined in the literature, Cultural intelligence (CQ) is a dynamic construct that can be developed through learning, experience, and reflection, for people to manage effectively across cross-cultural and multicultural settings. It is related to personality traits and cognitive processes, involving openness to experience, emotional stability, and awareness of other cultures, but contextualization is crucial in understanding CQ, as it is applied in intergroup interactions. Majority-minority status can exacerbate CQ, as majority groups have greater access to resources and power. To improve cultural intelligence for promoting Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), it is essential to consider the specific magnitude and scope of majority-minority dynamics, otherwise, it might go astray from the original positive prospect.