UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Division of Life Science 19 Human Complex Disease Genomics and Bioinformatics Supervisor: LIANG, Chun / LIFS Co-supervisor: XUE, Hong / LIFS Student: KWAN, Tsz Ching / BIBU Course: UROP1100, Fall This project is to study lung cancer. Our laboratory has received normal lung tissue, cancerous lung tissue and blood samples from lung cancer patients. The goal of this project is to prepare these samples for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a DNA sequencing method. By using the AluScan method, we can extract the desired range of sequences for NGS. By comparing the genomic composition of three samples, we can understand more about the causes and details of lung cancer. In the following, a brief introduction, main procedures, special points on the procedures and related explanation, and the results of the samples will be mentioned. Human Complex Disease Genomics and Bioinformatics Supervisor: LIANG, Chun / LIFS Co-supervisor: XUE, Hong / LIFS Student: LAU, Julius Nicholson Jin Xiang / BIEN Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Spring Atypical meningioma and brain metastasis are two widely identified medical conditions in cancer biology. Moreover, currently there is no clear picture on the prognosis factor and guidelines for optimal treatment. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technique is at its uprising trend in cancer research, and it has led to a significant improvement in the accuracy of the diagnosis and a reduction of the sequencing cost. To ensure the success of the NGS workflow, it is necessary to prepare a DNA library prior to proceeding with NGS. This procedure involves preparing the DNA sample for sequencing and allowing it to adhere to the sequencing flow cell, which enables the samples to be identified during sequencing. In this experiment, we use this technology to sequence blood cells collected from patients diagnosed with atypical meningioma and brain metastasis to discover the genetic make-up of the cells. This report outlines the detailed procedures of each step in library preparation. Human Complex Disease Genomics and Bioinformatics Supervisor: LIANG, Chun / LIFS Co-supervisor: XUE, Hong / LIFS Student: LEUNG, Sin Ho Henry / BIBU Course: UROP1100, Spring UROP2100, Summer R programming is popular in the field biostatistics. It is critical to master R programming to utilize the powerful ability of data visualization. Availability of numerous packages increase the fondness of researchers towards R programming by allowing researchers to perform complex statistical analysis and machine learning tasks. Moreover, by learning the basic coding skills, they are fundamental steps for researchers to become familiar with advanced plotting packages such as ggplot2. This report mainly focusses on the basic commends of R and the syntax they require, which supported by the course “Data Analysis and Visualization” provided by Udacity (Udacity, 2023).