UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Division of Life Science 31 Interdisciplinary Bioengineering: Microfluidic Device for Cell Manipulation/Culture and Molecular Biology Supervisor: WU, Angela Ruohao / LIFS Student: WU, Tianyue / SSCI Course: UROP1000, Summer Microfluidics is an increasingly prominent field in biological researches. Allergic response, as a common dynamic process involving multiple cell types and microscopic factors, can be studied more precisely and efficiently with various microfluidic devices and techniques, contributing to the better understanding of related diseases and their potential treatments. In this review, the basic mechanism of allergic diseases including recruitment of immune cells, Th2 polarization and inflammation will be discussed, as well as a summary of the current microfluidic approaches related to the study of allergy. Some of the new opportunities in microfluidic research of allergy are also proposed in this article. Genetic Studies on Stem Cell Regulation Supervisor: XIE, Ting / LIFS Co-supervisor: TU, Renjun / LIFS Student: ASNANI, Tanya / BIOT Course: UROP1000, Summer The study of stem cells in Drosophila is vital in the world of medicine due to its unique applications in various fields of research. Their remarkable ability to self-renew and differentiate into different cell types makes them a promising tool in many therapies in regenerative medicine. However, much is still unexplored in how discrepancies in various genes affect self-renewal and differentiation in germline stem cells. In this study, genetic screens for various genes are done to investigate the regulation of GSC development. It is shown that knocking down these genes in their respective niches results in specific defects in the self-renewal and differentiation of GSC development. Genetic Studies on Stem Cell Regulation Supervisor: XIE, Ting / LIFS Co-supervisor: TU, Renjun / LIFS Student: CHEUNG, Lok Yi / BIBU Course: UROP1000, Summer Stem cells are undifferentiated or partly differentiated cells. They can carry out unlimited mitotic cell division to form new cells, and can differentiate into various types of specialised cells, ranging from muscle cells to brain or blood cells. Therefore, there are an array of potential applications of stem cells, especially in medicine, for instance cell research, drug toxicity tests and the treatment of diseases, to name but a few. Yet, the genes that are required in the niche and intrinsically for controlling stem cell self-renewal, differentiation and ageing still remain unclear. In this study, 25 of Drosophila RNAi lines, which against transmembrane proteins, were used for genetic screening so as to identify the genes that are involved in germline stem cells (GSC) regulation.