UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Division of Life Science 37 Niche Regulation of Stem Cell Self-renewal, Differentiation and Ageing Supervisor: XIE, Ting / LIFS Co-supervisor: TU, Renjun / LIFS Student: SZETO, Kin Lam / BCB Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Spring Stem cells are important cells in multicellular organisms that help maintain homeostasis and replace damaged or lost cells by self-renewal and differentiation. Because of their ability to differentiate into more specialized cell types, stem cells are of great significance in regenerative medicine. However, the roles of many proteins, such as kinases, in regulating stem cell self-renewal and differentiation remain unknown. In this study, we screened for potential kinase genes that might regulate germline stem cell (GSC) development in Drosophila using the RNA interference (RNAi) approach. It was discovered that knocking down Slik and SRRK in the germline and Srpk79D, sti, Stlk, and Taf1 in the differentiation niche resulted in self-renewal defects and differentiation defects respectively. Employ Mathematic Modelling to Study Gene Networks Regulating Stem Cell Development and Eye Diseases Supervisor: XIE, Ting / LIFS Co-supervisor: TU, Renjun / LIFS YANG, Can / MATH Student: CHOI, You Jin / BIOT Course: UROP1100, Fall Pathogenesis of glaucoma, a condition that causes damage to one’s optic nerve, is controlled by various factors. Studies show that elevated Intraocular Pressure (IOP), a major risk factor for developing and progressing glaucoma, are potentially controlled by two players: Trabecular Meshwork and Ciliary Body. This paper focuses on the impact of Trabecular Meshwork on Intraocular Pressure, to analyze how changes of Trabecular Meshwork cellularity regulate Intraocular Pressure. To understand the mechanism of Trabecular Meshwork and Intraocular Pressure, we aim to study the development processes– including cell subpopulation annotation, cell migration studies, signaling pathway analysis, etc.– of Trabecular Meshwork using single cell analysis.