UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Division of Life Science 38 Employ Mathematic Modelling to Study Gene Networks Regulating Stem Cell Development and Eye Diseases Supervisor: XIE, Ting / LIFS Co-supervisor: TU, Renjun / LIFS YANG, Can / MATH Student: YOON, Dayeong / SSCI Course: UROP1100, Summer Glaucoma is a persistent, progressive eye disease resulting from optic nerve injury resulting in vision field loss. Various factors convolve the pathogenesis of glaucoma (A family history of glaucoma, use of steroid medication, increasing age). However, intra ocular pressure (IOP) control is one of the critical clinical measurements and diagnostic criteria for glaucoma. Some genes might be the key players in IOP control. In this study, we aim to study the development processes (including the cell subpopulation identification, cell migration, and signaling pathways) of glaucoma cells using single-cell analysis and how it might shed light on the pathogenesis of glaucoma. It is possible to identify the marker genes for rod cells, retinal ganglion cells (RGC), microglia and muller cell during the wild type and weeks 1,2,4. CRISPR Cas9 Based Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer's Disease Supervisor: IP, Nancy Y / LIFS Co-supervisor: FU, Kit Yu / LIFS Student: LIU, Zhenru / BCB Course: UROP1100, Fall Aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide and formation of amyloid plaque are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The morphology and distribution of amyloid plaque in the brain is highly associated with AD progression. Increased number of studies investigate the role of amyloid plaque in AD and many drugs targeting Aβ peptide are under development. To study the pathological function of Aβ in AD progression, transgenic mouse models of amyloidosis are adopted to elucidate how Aβ is generated, aggregated, and cleared. However, it remains unclear if the morphology and distribution of amyloid plaque in the transgenic mouse models can mimic the those in human brain. Therefore, it is important to characterize the morphology and distribution of amyloid plaque in mouse models. This report aims to illustrate different types of amyloid-plaque morphologies in a widely used transgenic mouse model of amyloidosis. CRISPR Cas9 Based Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer's Disease Supervisor: IP, Nancy Y / LIFS Co-supervisor: FU, Kit Yu / LIFS Student: ZHAO, Yiran / CHEM-IRE Course: UROP1100, Spring Through our high-throughput proteomics studies, potential biomarkers in human plasma for Alzheimer’s Disease could be identified, with typical species such as Kallikrein-related Peptidase 4. Previously proposed methodology applying conventional Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) has drawbacks of relatively low reading value and limited sensitivity towards the alteration of analyte concentration. Based on high sensitivity, light emitting chemical reaction, we proposed the application of an innovative method of Chemiluminescent Immunoassay (CLIA), verified with alternative index Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor, for the detection of Kallikrein-related Peptidase 4 as potential biomarkers, and seek its clinical potentialities in early diagnosis and monitoring of Alzheimer’s Disease.