UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Ocean Science 54 Department of Ocean Science Study on the Adaptation and Physiological Responses of Synechococcus Isolates from Different Oceans Supervisor: LIU, Hongbin / OCES Student: HUANG, Jingxian / OST Course: UROP1100, Fall Synechococcus are one of the most abundant and widespread microscopic blue-green algae in the ocean, diverse clades of Synechococcus take vital roles in the global ocean ecosystem and marine primary production to monitor the biogeochemical cycle. Because of the ocean thermal overturning circulation is affected by the global warming, the growth environment of Synechococcus will also be influenced due to the chaotic of sea temperature. In this study, we isolated sixteen strains of Synechococcus from different regions of ocean and did the daily sampling under several certain specific temperatures to gain the growth rate of them. In this study, we focus on the abnormal thermal responses and the consequence of anomalies in response to heat of different clades of Synechococcus. Study on the Adaptation and Physiological Responses of Synechococcus Isolates from Different Oceans Supervisor: LIU, Hongbin / OCES Student: SHIN, Woo-hong / BISC Course: UROP1000, Summer Synechococcus is a genus of cyanobacteria, which are photoautotrophic bacteria mostly found in marine environments. Various clades of Synechococcus in global ocean play vital roles in marine ecosystems such as taking part as a primary producer and contributing to a carbon cycle. Studying the adaptation and physiological response of various clades of Synechococcus may provide a better understanding of the factors that affect the growth and survival of Synechococcus and this knowledge further help us to investigate the functioning of marine ecosystems and the impact of environmental changes on marine biodiversity. In this study, we utilized eleven clades of Synecococcus from different locations of the ocean for evaluating their growth rate under varying temperature conditions by collecting the daily sample and analyzing their thermal response to certain temperatures. Hamiltonian Fluid Mechanics Supervisor: MAK, Julian / OCES Student: POON, Pak Hei Andersen / SSCI Course: UROP1000, Summer Fluid mechanics had been one of the major research topics. Ideas like Navier-Stokes equation and Hamiltonian fluid mechanics are popular among research. However, to understand the above problem, it is necessary to understand some foundational knowledge like N-body problem. This project aims to have a review of Newtonian Mechanics and Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, and provides a simulation run in python to investigate in the trajectory of 2 or more celestial objects in space (2 body problem, 3 body problem and N-body problem). With the help of numerical methods like Euler’s Method, Adam-Bashforth Method and Runge-Kutta Method, we can simulate the motions.