UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Physics 58 Development of Monitoring and Controlling Devices for Quantum Simulators Supervisor: JO, Gyu Boong / PHYS Student: LI, Yunchu / PHYS Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Spring UROP3100, Summer This report will be divided into two parts. In the first part, we’ll discuss about Spatial Light Modulator (SLM for short), which is a kind of device that can load information on one-dimensional or two-dimensional optical data field to effectively utilize the inherent speed, parallelism, and interconnection ability of light. Based on our finds in UROP1100 and UROP2100 reports, we’ll further discuss the new algorithm and optical system this time and show some of the result here. In the second part, we’ll talk about the development of 649nm External Cavity Diode Laser, which use a grating to select the output frequency of the diode laser. Based on the result we have mention in UROP2100 report, we focus on the measurement of the mode and wavelength of this laser and some other development. Electromagnetic and Acoustic Metasurfaces Supervisor: LI, Jensen Tsan Hang / PHYS Student: CHEUNG, Ka Ho / PHYS Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Spring Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) are two-dimensional periodic structures that can selectively reflect or transmit electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies. FSS can be designed to have specific frequency response characteristics by varying the geometry, spacing, and material properties of the structure. The periodic arrangement of the elements in an FSS creates a spatially varying impedance that interacts with the incident wave, leading to selective reflection or transmission. FSS have a wide range of applications in electromagnetic wave manipulation, including wireless communication systems, radar, sensing, and imaging. In wireless communication systems, FSS are used as antennas, filters, and reflectors. Radar systems use FSS as stealth coatings to reduce the radar cross-section of aircraft and other objects. And in sensing and imaging applications, they are used as frequency-selective surfaces in the detection of specific electromagnetic frequencies. Quantum State Calculation of Two-dimensional Supramolecular Nanostructures Supervisor: LIN, Nian / PHYS Student: CHEUNG, Man Yin / SSCI Course: UROP1000, Summer The Kronig-Penney (K-P) model is a simplified model of solids for explaining the energy gaps in the band structure of a crystal. In this project, a MATLAB program is used to construct the K-P model and compute the band structure via numerical methods i.e. Discrete Fourier Transform and eigenvalue finding. The difference between computational results and analytical solutions is discussed. Furthermore, the effect of the order of Fourier Transform and is investigated. At last, alternating potential, a modification to the lattice, are discussed.