UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Physics 61 Theoretical Study of Properties of Real Materials Supervisor: LIU, Junwei / PHYS Student: LI, Hengjian / PHYS Course: UROP1100, Spring 2D materials such as graphene are hot research topics these days. They can form a stable single-layer structure, have rich physical and chemical properties, and have broad application potential. For physics, the most charming point is that the topological physics properties predicted by theory in 2D materials lead to the fabrication and discovery of various novel materials. In order to explore the new method to calculate electronic behavior in the future, we need to learn from the basic models. The report will go through the basic theoretical calculations using the tight-binding method of the graphene lattice. And further discuss the electronic properties of graphene. Observational Phenomenology of Supermassive Black Hole Supervisor: LIU, Tao / PHYS Student: TRAN, Duc Huy / PHYS-IRE Course: UROP2100, Fall The project in this semester is the continuation of the project with the same name in the previous semester, in which we aim to investigate the influence of an axion surrounding a supermassive black hole to its image. After assembling the necessary theoretical ingredients, we proceed with the calculations in some toy models to grasp the computational technique, and to estimate the magnitude of various relevant quantities. In this report, we continue the discussion in the previous report and present the current progress of our project. Investigation of CP Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillation Supervisor: LUK, Kam Biu / PHYS Student: CHAN, Chung Yuen / PHYS Course: UROP3100, Summer The understanding of neutrino interactions is of great significance to the study of CP violation in neutrino experiments. In this report, we will use GENIE to simulate the interactions of and ̅ with 1 62 . Information about the interaction is obtained and after processing the raw data, we will analyze the momentum and energy distribution of final state particles. The simulation shows interesting results and be beneficial to our understanding of neutrino interactions.