UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Physics 62 Investigation of CP Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillation Supervisor: LUK, Kam Biu / PHYS Student: CHAN, Chung Yuen / PHYS FONG, Shing Hei / PHYS Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP1100, Fall The goal of this project is to investigate the charge-parity (CP) violating stage of a evolution of muon neutrino into an electron neutrino. CP symmetry can be broken in weak interactions, causing differences in behavior between the particle and anti-particle. Beams of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos are produced by pion decay. Some muon neutrinos transform into electron neutrinos as time. To catch the electron neutrino, a 20000-ton detector with a liquid scintillator can be utilized. The expected number of neutrino interactions is the product of appearance probability, the number of muon neutrinos produced and the neutrino interaction cross-section. By counting the number of detected events and their energy distribution, the CPviolating phase can be calculated. Investigation of CP Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillation Supervisor: LUK, Kam Biu / PHYS Student: CHAN, Chung Yuen / PHYS XU, Sihong / PHYS Course: UROP2100, Spring UROP1100, Spring The understanding of neutrino interactions is of great significance to the study of CP violation in neutrino experiments. In this article, we use GENIE to simulate the interactions + 1 62 , + 1 62 , ̅ + 1 62 , and ̅ + 1 62 respectively. After processing the raw data, we could obtain the multiplicity and the types and number of the final-state particles. The results of those interactions show many similarities, as well as many differences, which may be beneficial to our understanding of the physics behind those neutrino interactions. Investigation of CP Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillation Supervisor: LUK, Kam Biu / PHYS Student: FONG, Shing Hei / PHYS Course: UROP2100, Summer The objective of this project is to investigate the charge-parity (CP) violating phase when a muon neutrino transforms into an electron neutrino. CP symmetry can be broken in weak interaction, indicating that the particle and its corresponding anti-particle behave differently. Pion decay generates muon neutrino and antineutrino beams. During the travel of muon neutrinos, some of them convert into electron neutrinos. To capture the electron neutrino, a 20000-ton detector filled with liquid scintillator can be utilized. The projected number of neutrino interactions is the outcome of the neutrino interaction cross-section, appearance probability, number of generated muon neutrinos, and the number of atoms in the detector. By detecting events and analyzing their energy distribution, the CP-violating phase can be determined.