UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Physics 66 Quantum Computing Based on NV Center in Diamond Supervisor: YANG, Sen / PHYS Student: HE, Zhiwei / SSCI Course: UROP1100, Fall The nitrogen-vacancy center (NV center) is one of the defects in diamond. Its unique properties, like three spin-states and photoluminescence, make it possible to be a carrier of qubit in quantum computer. In this experiment, in order to explore the feasible method to use NV center as the qubit to realize a prototype of the quantum computer, we borrow the idea of confocal microscope building a part of optical setup and place Red Pitaya as a PID controller to stabilize the power of the laser. The experiment is still in progress. We set the Rad Pitaya as a PID controller already and are exploring its parameter setting to fit the laser in the circuit. Quantum Sensing with NV Center in Diamond for Many Body Physics Supervisor: YANG, Sen / PHYS Student: CHAN, Cheuk Wang / PHYS HUNG, Ka Ho / PHYS Course: UROP1000, Summer UROP1000, Summer The nitrogen vacancy (NV) center is a point flaw in the diamond lattice consisting of a nitrogen atom adjacent to a vacant lattice site. This flaw exhibits unique quantum properties, making it an attractive platform for high-precision sensing. NV centers in diamonds can be used to probe the properties of many-body systems through their interactions with the surrounding environment. The properties of superconductors are determined by the interaction between many quantum particles. NV centers in diamonds can be used to probe these interactions. This report will have a review on quantum image and NV center, then will introduce how can they be applied in the experiment, and last is the conclusion. Quantum Sensing with NV Center in Diamond for Many Body Physics Supervisor: YANG, Sen / PHYS Student: DING, Zhengyu / SSCI Course: UROP1000, Summer This study investigates the use of Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) as a quantum sensor due to its thin-layered structure and excellent spin defects. Optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) measurements was implemented to confirm the presence of boron vacancy defects in the hBN sample. The results were consistent with previous findings, and the gyromagnetic ratio for the boron vacancy was calculated. Nonetheless, the ODMR contrast was not ideal due limitations in experimental setup, and the researcher suggests further studies on other properties of hBN defects. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of hBN as a quantum sensor, which may have advantages over other sensors due to its unique properties as a 2D material.