UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering 79 Fast-Acting Liquid Adhesives for Closing Wounds Supervisor: LUO, Tom Zhengtang / CBE Student: KWOK, Kiu Tiffany / CHEM Course: UROP1000, Summer Cyanoacrylate (CA) adhesives of all-purpose has its potential emphasized in biomedical application, owing to its high reactivity even under ambient condition. CA monomers, in form of gel, rapidly self-polymerize to become an solid film on applied surface under diverse condition in human body. Nonetheless, pure Poly- (alkyl cyanoacrylate) (P(ACA)) often possess high molecular weight resulting in low biodegradability and flexibility. To address, a cross-linking strategy have been suggested to adjust the structure of the polymer network while retaining the desired properties of CA, unlike the usual practice in the industry which is plasticizer addition. This report is to present the actual practice of such strategy, thereby explore its new clinical opportunity as a tissue adhesive in high tension areas. Humanitarian Chemical Engineering - A Summer Expedition Supervisor: MAK, Andrew T C / CBE Student: HUI, Yanna Yatnga / BIEN Course: UROP1100, Fall Following the previous UROP 1000 project, the investigation on Malaria Control is continued. The project is focusing on an humanitarian engineering approach following the guidelines of 1) affordable for locals, 2) adaptable and flexible to environments, 3) easy to scale and implement, 4) using local materials without extra transportation of resources needed, and 5) minimise the disturbance to the local’s original life. The previous idea of Water Recycling Robot is abandoned, accompanied by the raising of a more practical approach of a Remote Analysis and Diagnostic System (RADS). The replacement approach takes the responsibility of early and preliminary diagnosis of malaria, especially focusing on the needs of developing countries. Rational Design of Wearable Device for Stress Assessment via Perspiration Analysis Supervisor: NYEIN, Hnin Yin Yin / CBE Co-supervisor: HSING, I-ming / CBE Student: GU, Minjin / BIEN Course: UROP1000, Summer With the arising interest in attention to mental well-being, monitoring and understanding one’s own stress level is becoming more crucial than ever. Therefore, objectively assessing stress through a stress hormone, cortisol, in a non-invasive way by collecting perspiration on a finger is an appealing field of research. To validate that cortisol is positively correlated to stress levels, a set of literature was reviewed and validation experiments were conducted through ELISA and HPLC tests; then, a design of a microfluidic channel for collecting sweat was developed after a holistic review of current wearable designs. Although the research is relatively new and thus more explorations are necessary, the project holds the potential to translate an innovative point of care technology into practice.