UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering 81 Neural Circuits for Visual Behaviors Supervisor: SEMMELHACK, Julie / CBE Student: ZHEGLOV, David / BIBU Course: UROP1000, Summer Freezing behavior is a defensive response observed in prey animals, characterized by bradycardia, immobility, and blood pressure changes. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are widely used in neuroscience due to their small size, ease of breeding, and physiological similarity to humans. We aimed to observe freezing behavior in 6-dayold zebrafish larvae exposed to UV, red, and blue light stimuli. Physiological responses were recorded during the experiments. Our findings showed that UV stimuli induced more intense bradycardia than other colors, while blue light triggered freezing more frequently. These results enhance our understanding of zebrafish behavior and sensory responses, providing insights for future neuroimaging studies. Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries Supervisor: SHAO, Minhua / CBE Student: KWAN, Yee Tung / SUSE Course: UROP2100, Fall Growing demand for batteries with higher capacity, better safety, and the ability to work at low temperatures has been observed over the years due to the rising trend in renewable energy and its intermittence. This made all-solid-state batteries one of the strategies to cope with the demand, and quasisolid polymer electrolyte (QSPE) is one of the most promising choices. QSPE with LiTFSI and fluorinated liquid plasticizers, namely DTFEC and FEMC, in polyDOL solvent matrix are explored in this project. The addition of liquid plasticizers has greatly improved the battery performance of QSPE, compared to traditional solid polymer electrolytes (SPE). Higher liquid content also leads to higher initial specific capacities. Further effort is nonetheless needed to reveal their effects on SEI/CEI layers. Organic Molecules for Hydrogen Storage Supervisor: SHAO, Minhua / CBE Student: KWAN, Yee Tung / SUSE Course: UROP3100, Spring While hydrogen is believed to be one of the prominent energy source and energy storage in the future, the inefficiency and problems associated with hydrogen storage has been hindering the commercialization of hydrogen fuel. Apart from methods like compressed gaseous hydrogen, adsorption through metal organic framework, and metal hydride, liquid hydrogen organic carrier (LOHC) is a storage method that possess great potential. Since overall efficiency is the main issue, dehydrogenation performance of cyclohexanemethanol, a new type of carrier that is yet to be investigated, was studied with Pt catalyst of 3 different support, namely carbon black, Vulcan black, and γ-Al2O3, where γ-Al2O3 performed the best. Catalyst characteristic and dehydrogenation performance were examined through GC-MS, BET analysis, XRD, and ICP-MS.