Annual Newsletter 2022-23

Highlights of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Projects Task and Finish Group for Pronunciation Formed in 2022, the T&F group is a scholarship project led by Melinda Whong and John Fung with the aim of exploring the latest developments of teaching English and Mandarin Pronunciation in order to make recommendations to help the teaching of pronunciation in CLE language courses. Blended Learning Proposal for LANG3027: Teaching Advanced Research Writing Skills to Multidisciplinary Science Students Headed by Elza Tsang and Eunice Tang, it aims at offering a course that teaches multidisciplinary science students the skills needed to write up their research reports professionally. Other than teaching through traditional classroom teaching, the project has been investigating the feasibility of incorporating blended learning into the course structure. New Advanced Academic Writing Course for Undergraduate Business Students Headed by Jessie Lam, the writing course aims at teaching students advanced writing skills that can be transferable across business courses and expose them to more discipline specific genres and rhetorical conventions so that they can be adapted to help them write more effectively in their discipline. LANG1404: Advanced Academic English for University Studies Presented by Susan Stamper, Gary Muddeman, May Liao and Yilmaz Koylu during the Summer EYE for introducing the new LANG1404 course, which focuses on developing university level academic skills in both writing, speaking and multimodal contexts. Pilot for the course had already started back in the fall semester of 2022 with four sections and 31 sections in the previous spring semester. There will be 35 sections this coming fall semester and one of the major changes made over the summer was to incorporate the use of Gen AI in class activities such as using ChatGPT for topic selection for assessments. Exploring how to teach and assess multimodality: Findings from the literature review of the T&F group Multimodality has become increasingly important in the world of academia and with current courses like LANG1403 and 1404 already incorporating multimodal assessments, it is important to address the challenges educators may encounter. The T&F group presented their findings during the summer EYE and findings from the literature review suggest that a new evaluative framework needs to be developed specifically for multimodal assessments. However, this itself has raised new challenges for teachers such as the lack of expertise in this area. The Rising Challenge of Gen AI: Redesigning English and Chinese undergraduate writing assignments by embracing Gen AI A team consisting of Delian Gaskell, Bernadette Wo, Kasina Wong, Krista Du, Mansurbek Kushnazarov, Nick Wong and Yin Zhou examined ways of incorporating Gen AI in writing assessments for both English and Chinese courses in the CLE. The group suggested changes that include adding new competencies that can adapt to the evolving nature of Gen AI, new assessment types for the Gen AI era and the possibility of co-creating assessments with students. Embracing learning in the age of generative AI This year has undoubtedly been a challenge for many tertiary educational institutions all over the world with the challenges brought by generative AI technology. Despite this, the CLE strives to be at the forefront of pedagogical innovation and is working to integrate generative AI to enhance student learning with ongoing projects such as the EDGE-AI funded project that was presented in the Summer EYE event. As a means of addressing the impact of GenAI on current courses offered by the CLE, a mandatory selfdirected module was also introduced this semester. The module was designed to educate students to use these tools effectively and ethically in their assessments. 7 CLE Annual Newsletter 2022-23