Annual Newsletter 2022-23

Event and Programs Highlights 8 Held twice a year to celebrate and share staff work at this event and be part of CLE’s growing community of scholarly educators. All the teaching staff can showcase their ideas, practices and resources for evidencebased teaching and learning and in other related areas, whether they are at the initial stages or near completion of a scholarship project. The event, held on 29 May at CLE workplace, gathered teaching staff of CLE to explore the opportunities and challenges of Gen AI in language teaching and learning. After the opening speeches by Prof Whong, the Director of CLE and Edward Li and Nora Hussin, the Associate Directors, four invited students participated and shared their experiences and attitudes over the Gen AI in their studies with the participants. After that, the LANG teachers explored the use of Gen AI and its impacts over language teaching in a dynamic and engaging ‘show & tell’ sessions, of which covered the areas such as materials development, assessments, scholarship, etc. Hosted by CLE, the first annual symposium by the Association of Hong Kong Language Centres (AHKLC) was held at HKUST on 31 May. Kicked started with the opening talk The Long and Winding Road – Teaching and Scholarship by Prof Bee Bond, the Deputy Director of the Language Centre at Leeds University and an introduction to Scholarship of Teaching in Language Education (STiLE) by Prof Melinda Whong, the Director of the Center for Language Education at HKUST, 33 speakers from different universities and tertiary institutions in Hong Kong delivered 19 presentations which covered various themes and topics relevant to the field of languages teaching and learning. End of Year Events (EYE) AHKLC Symposium - The Launch of STiLE GenAI: Show & Tell