Theme-Based Research Scheme Public Symposium 2024

2023 National & International Water Summits for Key Green Water Tech Research and Development (June 4–9, 2023) 2023國內國際水雙高峰大會未來綠色水科技研究與應用(2023年六月四至九日) Research Impact This project team has developed a paradigm-shifting wastewater system for treating and reusing saline wastewater. A pilot-scale plant has been built at a local sewage treatment facility to test, optimize, and showcase the novel technologies and system. The trial is scheduled for completion by 2025. Embracing a comprehensive approach to water management, the new system integrates fresh, grey, saline, and brine water resources under the principle of “water is water, resource is resource.” In the short term, the project outcomes could facilitate the retrofitting of existing water treatment plants or the implementation of new systems, providing an alternative source of potable water and fostering sustainable urban development. In the medium term, the project aims to mitigate freshwater scarcity challenges in island and coastal areas, as well as supporting the development of floating cities to adapt to rising sea levels caused by global warming. Our research team has published over 170 peer-reviewed papers in reputable journals, including 59 papers in Nature Index journals. Our textbook, “Biological Wastewater Treatment, 2nd edition,” with Professor Guanghao CHEN serving as the lead editor, was awarded the Best Scientific Book prize from the International Water Association (IWA), the world’s largest water professional network. Two technologies developed in this project, the “Economic Energy-Efficient Membrane Bioreactor” (3E-MBR) and the “Low Energy Electrical Odor control of sludge” (LEEO®) technology, received the Silver Medal at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva. The pilot study for LEEO® at Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works was honored as the Champion for the Mechanical Innovation and Implementation Award by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (HK Branch). LEEO® also received the first round of RAISe+ funding from the HKSAR Government. Furthermore, this project has nurtured over 80 postgraduates, postdocs, and research personnel. 研究影響 項目團隊開發了一套創新的污水系統,用於處理和再利用含鹽 廢水。目前,我們正在一個本地污水處理廠 進行中試,以測 試、優化和展示提出的新技術和系統,並計劃於 2025 年完 成。該項目展示了我們綜合水資源管理的方法,涵蓋了淡水、 灰水、鹽水和濃鹽水等各種類型的水資源,通過「水即水,資 源即資源」的原則。短期內,該項目的成果有望促進傳統水處 理廠的改造或新水系統的實施,提供替代的飲用水源,為可持 續城市發展做出貢獻。中期內,該項目旨在應對島嶼和沿海地 區的淡水短缺問題,並發展未來的海上浮動城市,以應對全球 變暖導致的海平面上升問題。研究團隊已在知名期刊上發表了 170 多篇同行評議的論文,其中包括在自然指數期刊上發表 59 篇論文。此外,由陳光浩教授擔任主編的教科書《生物廢水 處理第二版》榮獲國際水協會(全球最大的水業專業組織)頒 發的首個最佳科學書籍獎。此外,該項目開發的兩項技術,即 「經濟節能高效膜反應器 3E-MBR」和「低電能污泥除臭氣技 術 LEEO®」,均獲得了第 48 屆日內瓦國際發明展的銀獎。 LEEO® 在小壕灣污水處理廠試點研究中獲得了由機械工程師 學會(香港分會)頒發的「機械創新與實施獎」的冠軍 稱號。 LEEO® 也獲得了特區政府首屆「產學研 1+ 計劃」(RAISe +) 的資助。此外該項目共培養了 80 多名研究生、博士後和研 究人員。 Abstract Water scarcity is threatening the sustainable growth of cities worldwide, including Hong Kong, which imports approximately 70% of its freshwater from mainland China. The city has also adopted a dual-pipe system that supplies potable water for commercial and domestic purposes, while providing seawater for toilet flushing, saving 22% of its freshwater resources. Although effective in combating water scarcity, this dual-pipe system is expensive to maintain, and water importation costs are rising annually by 6%. A conventional solution to urban water scarcity is to reuse wastewater. However, three major issues persist. First, current reuse practices often involve costly and space-/energy-intensive post-treatments. Second, many wastewater technologies in use today are inefficient in terms of space utilization, energy consumption, and resource recovery. Third, most of these technologies produce substantial amounts of solid waste and brine wastewater, which are difficult to treat. To address these challenges, leading experts in water science and technology have collaborated with top researchers and engineers to develop a revolutionary wastewater treatment and reuse system known as the WasteWater-to-Resource Facility (WWRF). The fully-integrated, compact facility leverages novel membrane, chemical, and biological technologies to efficiently produce potable water and valuable biochemicals from saline wastewater, minimizing waste disposal. 項目簡介 水資源短缺正威脅全球城市的可持續發展。目前香港從中國大 陸進口約 70% 的淡水並採用雙管道供水方式–即一條管道提供 海水作為沖廁用途(可節約 22% 的淡水需求)而另一條為市 民提供食水作其他商業和居民用途的方法,有效暫緩了水短缺 的嚴重問題。儘管此系統效果顯著,雙管系統成本依舊很高, 而且東江水的水價每年會增漲 6%,這些都可能影響著香港的 可持續發展。解決城市水資源短缺問題的不二方法是盡可能實 現污水規模化回用。然而實際應用的過程中依然存在三大主要 瓶頸問題:1)目前的回用技術通常涉及高成本和高佔地 / 能 量密集的後期處理;2)當前使用的許多污水處理技術在空間 利用、能源消耗和資源回收方面效率較低;3)現有污水回用 技術產生大量難以處置的污泥殘渣和高鹽廢水造成二次污染。 為應對這些挑戰,領先的水科學技術專家與頂尖研究員和工 程師合作,開發了一種革命性的廢水處理和再利用系統 (WWRF)。由此產生的全面協同,緊湊節能的廢水資源化設 施將採用創新新穎的膜技術、化學和生物技術,高效生產可飲 用水和來自鹽水廢水的高附加值生化物質,同時最大限度地減 少廢物處置。 17