Theme-Based Research Scheme Public Symposium 2024

Research Impact 1) We have developed state-of-the-art technologies in sensing, planning, control and intelligence towards automated robotic surgery and the related intellectual properties, as evidenced by a large number of publications/presentations in the top journals or international conferences; 2) Commercialised parts of the research outputs via two startup companies, CornerStone Robotics Ltd and Agilis Robotics Ltd, which were established by the team members. The two startups have become leading players in multi-port surgical robots and miniature flexible surgical robots, respectively. 3) Developed the first one-surgeon-four-arms system and conducted the first clinical trials on AI-assisted semi-automated surgical robot; 4) The work has received international recognitions, as evidenced by the Best Paper award in medical robotics at the 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation etc.; 5) The research outputs largely contributed to the establishment of the InnoHK Centre: Multi-scale Medical Robotics Centre, which has been one of the leading centres in medical robotics in the world. 研究影響 1) 研發針對感知、手術規劃、控制和自動化手術機械人的前沿 技術以及相關的知識產權,並在頂級期刊或國際會議上發表系 列 論 文 ; 2) 創 立 兩 家 衍 生 公 司 康 諾 思 騰(CornerStone Robotics)和巧捷力(Agilis Robotics),以促進研究成果的 商業應用。這兩家公司已分別成為多端口手術機械人和微型 柔 性手術機械人的領軍企業 ; 3) 研發首個「一醫四手」外科機械 人系統,並對人工智能輔助的半自動手術機械人開展了首次 臨 床試驗 ; 4) 該項目獲得了包括 2021 國際機械人與自動化會議 (ICRA)最佳論文獎等國際認可 ; 5) 研究成果也進一步促成了 InnoHK 旗下醫療機械人創新技術中心的建立。該中心已成為 世界領先的醫療機械人中心之一。 Abstract Existing surgical robots work in a remote-control mode, where a surgeon attentively tele-controls all the robots’ motions. It is widely considered that they will be replaced by next-generation surgical robots that can assist surgeons with automation functions and surgical intelligence. The next-generation surgical robots are expected to effectively alleviate surgeons’ physical and mental workload to reduce human errors and, hence, improve the overall quality of the surgery. This project aimed to develop state-of-the-art solutions to crucial technical problems, including real-time sensing, operative planning, instrument motion/action control, and surgical data analysis in semi-automated or automated robotic surgery. The research outputs have been integrated into surgical robotic systems, which were validated through cadaver experiments or clinical studies on human subjects. In addition to the academic research and technology development, parts of the research outputs have been commercialized by two startup companies spun off by the team members. The project could not have been completed successfully without close collaborations among the engineering experts, surgeons, local universities, and international institutions. 項目簡介 現時的手術機械人採用遠程控制模式進行手術,外科醫生需要 全神貫注地遠程控制機械人的所有動作。人們普遍認為此技術 將被新一代能夠為外科醫生提供關鍵協助的機械人所取代。自 動化和智能化的機械人自主操作能夠有效減輕外科醫生的身心 負擔,減少人爲錯誤,從而提高手術的質量。項目團隊致力研 究針對關鍵技術問題解決方案,包括半自動或全自動手術機械 人系統的實時傳感、術前規劃、術中控制和手術數據分析。團 隊已將上述研究項目的成果集成至手術機械人系統,並通過展 開屍體實驗和人體臨床研究進行應用驗證。除學術研究與技術 開發,部分研究成果已由團隊成員創立的兩家衍生公司進行商 業化落地。該項目所取得的成就得益於來自數個具有豐富工程 和醫學背景的本地及國際大學之間的密切合作。 “One-surgeon-four-arm” semi-automatic human-robot surgery collaboration system 「一醫四手」半自動人機協同手術操作系統 An open-source surgical robotic learning simulation platform 面向手術機械人運動學習的開源模擬平台 23 Multi-arm coordination for automatic tissue suturing using surgical robots 基於手術機械人的多臂自主軟組織縫 合系統