Science Focus (issue 26)

1 編按:此處英語原文為源自LOL 語(LOLspeak)的「haz cheezburgerz」, 貓咪迷因(LOLcat memes)由2007年開始在網上爆紅 [10],LOL語是貓 咪迷因上的調皮文字,亦是貓咪迷因爆紅的原因,當中包括發音相近但故意 串錯的詞彙(以「cheezburger」代替「cheeseburger」),也有模仿貓說話 的雙關語(例如「purr-fect」,「purr」是貓獨特的低沉咕嚕聲)。 2 搞笑諾貝爾獎:一個獎項以表揚「首先令人發笑,繼而發人深省」的科學研究。 體大概在胚胎發育初期就已經死亡 [7–9]。雖然疾病導致的 殘缺外表看來非常可愛,但疾病有可能為個體帶來脊柱和關 節退化問題 [9],亦可能縮短個體壽命 [6],然而商人仍然繼 續透過配種繁殖受疾病折磨的侏儒貓,以應對市場對長相 獨特貓隻的需求。所以,這篇文章亦希望呼籲大家:領養代 替購買。 References 參考資料: [1] Belvoir Media Group, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Feline Health Center. Feeding Human Foods: The Facts. CatWatch. https://www. [2] Yuyama M. Oxidative Compounds in Onion (Allium cepa L. Onion). Isolation and Demonstration of Their Oxidative Damage to Erythrocytes. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research. 1989;37(2):144. dspace/bitstream/2115/3186/1/KJ00002377289.pdf [3] Lesser J. Can Cats Eat Salami? The Spruce Pets. https:// beef%2C%20and,safe%20to%20offer%20your%20cat. [4] Fardin MA. Answering the question that won me the Ig Nobel prize: Are cats liquid? The Conversation. https:// [5] Devlin H. Solid and liquid cats, didgeridoos and cheese disgust scoop Ig Nobel awards. The Guardian. https:// [6] Metych M. Dwarfism in Cats: It’s Only Cute ‘til Someone Gets Hurt. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www. [7] Struck AK, Braun M, Detering KA, et al. A structural UGDH variant associated with standard Munchkin cats. BMC Genetics. 2020;21(1):67. doi:10.1186/s12863-020-00875-x [8] Anderson LM, Fox DB, Chesney KL, Coates JR, Torres BT, Lyons LA. Skeletal Manifestations of Heritable Disproportionate Dwarfism in Cats as Determined by Radiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2021;34(5):327-337. doi:10.1055/s-00411730355 [9] British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Cat Breeds – Trophies With Hidden Problems? Journal of Small Animal Practice. 2008;49(10):7-9. [10] Gawne L, Vaughan J. I can haz language play: The construction of language and identity in LOLspeak. Proceedings of the 42nd Australian Linguistic Society Conference – 2011. 2012;97-122. 11