HKUST PPOL Newsletter Spring 2024

126 climate policy; he also showcased aviation in the EU emission trading system, the new laws and opportunities to decarbonize and lower carbon emission in the aviation industry by international civil aviation organizations and shared critical issues about carbon offsetting in aviation and potential collaboration opportunities in the GBA. In the opening session of the second day of the conference, Prof. Huamin Qu, Dean of AIS, Head and Program Director of EMIA, Chair Professor of BDI and CSE, HKUST introduced the background of PPOL and its interdisciplinary positioning to the audience and welcomed conference participants to Hong Kong and HKUST and wished the conference success. Ir. Dr. Angus Cheung, Dean of HKAIA, President and CEO of Aerovision Technology Ltd, introduced HKAIA; he remarked on the business opportunities despite challenges brought by Covid-19 and wished the conference a successful event. Mr. Chris Au Young, General Manager of Innovation and Data Insights, HKIA welcomed the participants and introduced HKIA and its capacity, such as air traf c before the pandemic and its recovery after the pandemic and the challenges it faces, the new development plan for HKIA under the topic “Rede ning Airport Experience with Innovation.” Prof. Daniel Delahaye, Head of Optimization and Machine Learning Team of the ENAC Research Laboratory, in his keynote speech “An Insight of Machine Learning Algorithms in Optimization- Simulation for Air Traf c Management Operations”, introduced the theoretical background of optimization algorithm, the method of deterministic, stochastic and RRT approaches for evaluating decisions, the role of machine learning and why it works for airport operation and ight control such as predicting taxiway and terminal occupancy. He elaborated on large-scale trajectory planning and how 4D weather, airspace con guration, and other realistic features can be inserted into the simulation process. He shared with the audience the automatic emergency trajectory design, automatic SID-STAR design, airbus, and helicopter noise propagation model; he also remarked on new challenges in simulation in predicting CO2 emission reduction potential cruise altitude and speed optimization. CONFERENCES AND EVENTS 26