HKUST PPOL Newsletter Spring 2024

CONFERENCES AND EVENTS Prof. Anming Zhang, Professor of Saunder School of Business, University of British Columbia, in his keynote speech, “Global Airport Connectivity Index: Impact of COVID-19, New Route Assessment, and Future Research”, introduced the connectivity index and its application, he pointed out the susceptible nature of aviation industry to shocks with simultaneous resilience. He demonstrated the application of the connectivity index in classifying airports at the global level, trading, and benchmarking. Mr. Benjamin Wong, Vice President of Advanced Manufacturing and New Energy Technology, OASES, in his keynote speech “The Tech-enabled Aviation Industry: the 360 Perspectives”, introduced the Of ce for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES), its role, mission, and collaborators, its policies and schemes to support innovation and research in local universities, research institutes, and industries. He also shared the progress and advancement of aircraft and airport facilities. There were six focus topics in the Parallel Forum sessions: 1) Airport Technology Evolution, 2) Technology Sharing with Other Industries, 3) Web 3.0 Technology in the Aviation Industry and its Business Opportunities, 4) Technology Adoption and Ef ciency Enhancement and Intelligent Logistics, 5) Sustainable Aviation, and 6) Sustainable Fuel and Decarbonization. Presenters and participants were from local, mainland, and overseas companies including ADP Ingénierie, AFSC Operations, CASL, Cathay Paci c, HACTL, HAECO, HKEX, OpenAirlines, VERESE-AI; local and mainland organizations and governmental departments, including China Communications and Transportation Association, HK International Airport, HKCAD, HKITJC, OASES; and from local, mainland and overseas universities, including Beihang University, ENAC LAB, HKU, HKUST, HKPolyU, HKBU, Tongji University, Tsinghua University, UCL, USTC, Zhejiang University. The two-day conference has proven to be a successful and fruitful knowledge exchange event for all participants. 27