HKUST PPOL Newsletter Spring 2024

31 His Excellency Ambassador Khali Hashmi of Pakistan to China Visited PPOL CONFERENCES AND EVENTS On 22 February 2024, the Division of PPOL was honoured to welcome His Excellency Ambassador Khali Hashmi of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to China, along with His Excellency Consul General of Pakistan in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR Bilil Ahmad Butt Consul, Deputy Consul General Mr Muhammad Amjiad Ahmad, Second Secretary Ms Rabbia Nasir, and Trade Development Of cer Mr Ali Awan visiting our division. Professor Naubahar Sharif, Acting Head and Professor of PPOL, and Professor Emily Nason, Associate Professor of Business Education and Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admission Of ce warmly received our distinguished guests. During the visit, Professor Sharif introduced HKUST and the Division of PPOL to His Excellency, while Professor Nason provided an overview of HKUST’s student pro le, particularly highlighting opportunities for international students and employment prospects after graduation. Professor Sharif emphasized the Division of PPOL's commitment to deepening links with Pakistani institutions and engaging in collaborative research projects. Ambassador Khali Hashmi acknowledged the importance of educational opportunities in Hong Kong for Pakistani students and shared Pakistan’s experiences in collaboration with other institutions. The discussion also touched upon the unique appeal of Hong Kong as a study destination and the potential for educational collaboration between Pakistan and international peers. On behalf of HKUST and the Division of PPOL, Professor Sharif expressed gratitude to His Excellency Ambassador Khali Hashmi for his visit and presented him with souvenirs. His Excellency Ambassador presented Professor Sharif with a dual language atlas about Pakistani history and geography. Following the meeting, a visit to the Shaw Auditorium was conducted, accompanied by HKUST’s Pakistani students, and guided by representatives from the Global Engagement and Greater China Affairs Of ce, culminating in a successful conclusion to the visit.