HKUST PPOL Newsletter Spring 2024

34 SOCIETAL IMPACT A Global Architecture for Arti cial Intelligence, Technical Note, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, New York (2023). This Technical Note is an effort to consolidate some of the key questions surrounding global AI governance today, in order to inform the UN’s efforts in this domain. It builds out the third recommendation of Shift 6, put forward in the report of the UN’s High-Level Advisory Board (HLAB) on Effective Multilateralism, entitled: A Breakthrough for People and the Planet, published in 2023. The recommendation calls for a multilateral agreement on a timeline for a global architecture for AI design, development, and use based on common standards and approaches. This technical note is informed by the workshop held at the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) in July 2023, which involved over 30 academics and UN thought leaders. Professor Yarime attended the workshop and contributed to the technical note on A Global Architecture for Arti cial Intelligence Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA), Hong Kong (2023) The Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) recognizes companies that demonstrate commitment at attaining environmental sustainability of their businesses. HERA has been the platform that facilitates transitions to sustainability and leads companies towards best industry ESG practices. HERA covers the overall best ESG report, GRI reporting, ESG governance, positive social and environmental impacts, carbon neutrality, most improved, and best newcomer award. Professor Yarime contributed to assessing ESG reporting of companies as a member of the Judging Panel. He collaborated with the members of the Judging Panel coming from industry and civil society to evaluate the performance of ESG reporting of companies with regard to eight criteria for sustainable business practices. HERA created a network of professionals committed to accelerating the sustainability agenda in Hong Kong, mainland China, and beyond. The Presidio Recommendations on Responsible Generative AI, World Economic Forum in collaboration with AI Commons (2023). On 26-28 April 2023, the summit “Responsible AI Leadership: A Global Summit on Generative AI” took place at the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution based in the Presidio in San Francisco, USA. The event was hosted by the Forum in partnership with AI Commons to guide technical experts and policy-makers on the responsible development and governance of generative AI systems. The summit emphasized the importance of open innovation and international collaboration as essential enablers for responsible generative AI. The focus was on moving beyond insightful discussions to generate actionable and practical recommendations for various AI stakeholders that could signi cantly in uence the design, construction and deployment of generative AI. Over 100 AI thought leaders and practitioners participated in the summit, including chief scienti c of cers, responsible AI and ethics leads, academic leaders, AI entrepreneurs, policy-makers, tech investors and members of civil society. Participants engaged in discussions on numerous aspects of generative AI’s design, development, release and societal impact, and deliberated on key recommendations. Professor Yarime participated in the summit and contributed to the Presidio Recommendations on Responsible Generative AI.