HKUST PPOL Newsletter Spring 2024

Research, students examined and discussed Japan’s health policy reforms since the 2000s. Prof. Haruka Sakamoto from Tokyo Women’s Medical University shared valuable insights on the social security system for Japan’s super-aging population. The day concluded with a visit to Godot Inc., a tech startup specializing in evidence-based policy-making and behavioral design. On the third day, students engaged in discussions at Waseda University on Japan’s lost decades and gained valuable perspectives on possible lessons for China. Professors Tomoo Kikuchi and Kozo Ueda gave incisive and thought-provoking talks. This study trip provided our students with a broad understanding of Japan’s lost decades, allowing them to think comparatively and historically about the current state of the Chinese economy, and the economic and social security reforms necessary for a sustained economic recovery. STUDENT AND GRADUATE ACHIEVEMENTS 38