HKUST PPOL Newsletter Spring 2024

With the lead of Prof. Masara Yarime, Associate Professor of PPOL and co-director of the MPP program, our MPP and MPM students participated in the Global Partnership on Arti cial Intelligence (GPAI) and contributed to the AI Observation Platform Report, which was presented to the GPAI New Delhi Summit in December 2023. The report was based on the case studies of enterprises in Hong Kong and mainland China utilizing AI to address sustainability challenges, including renewable energy and environmental protection, and was submitted as material for international discussions at the GPAI. The Observation Platform of AI at the Workplace Project demonstrates the importance of global collaboration in the realm of AI research and its application in the workforce. It encapsulates diverse perspectives from around the world, each contributing unique insights into how AI is reshaping labor across varied contexts. It is an excellent platform and opportunity for our students to participate in in uencing and shaping the AI landscape with a focus on inclusivity, cultural sensitivity, and adaptability. MPP and MPM Students’ Participation in GPAI Prof. Masaru Yarime and MPP and MPM Students discussing AI governance with GPAI participants STUDENT AND GRADUATE ACHIEVEMENTS 39