Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

98 4-8 μm (Cheng et al., 1993, 2013) 粒徑 長(縱軸):20 到46 微米 (金德祥等, 1982);14 到55 微米(Archibald et al., 1984);10到46微米(程兆第等,1993,2013) 寬(橫軸):6到8 微米 (金德祥等,1982);3.5到7.3微米(Archibald et al., 1984); 4-8 微米(程兆第等,1993,2013) Synonyms 同種異名 Remarks: Amphora coffeaformis is currently regarded as a synonym of Halamphora perpusilla (Grunow) Q.-M.You & Kociolek according to AlgaeBase 注:Amphora coffeaformis 被認為是Halamphora perpusilla 的同種異名。