Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

121 Guinardia delicatula 柔弱幾內亞藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Coscinodiscophyceae 纲:中心硅藻綱 Order: Rhizosoleniales 目:根管藻目 Family: Rhizosoleniaceae 科:根管藻科 Morphology The frustule is cylindrical with flat valve, rounded slightly only on the edge. A thin oblique spine on the margin of valve fits into a dent on the adjacent cell, forming close and relatively straight chain without intercellular space between adjacent cells. Less than 10 large irregularly and strongly pigmented chloroplasts are observed in the cell. 形態 整體細胞呈圓柱形,殼面平,僅在邊緣呈圓弧形。殼面生一向外斜伸的小刺, 插 入相鄰細胞凹陷處形成緊密相連的直鏈狀群體,相鄰細胞之間沒有間隙。色素體較 大且不規則,顏色較深,數量一般不超過10個。 Ecology and distribution Guinardia delicatula is a neritic cosmopolitan species widely distributed in temperate to tropical waters. Guinardia delicatula is a bloom forming species and have caused one bloom in Hong Kong coastal waters in 2021. Guinardia delicatula also formed one bloom together with Noctiluca in 1984 and one bloom together with Eucampia zodiacus and Dactyliosolen in 2014. 生態與分佈 柔弱幾內亞藻是廣布性近岸物種,從溫帶到熱帶均有發現。柔弱幾內亞藻是紅潮原 因種,曾在2021 年在香港海域引發紅潮。柔弱幾內亞藻也曾於1984 年和夜光藻