Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

146 Rhizosolenia robusta 粗根管藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Coscinodiscophyceae 纲:中心硅藻綱 Order: Rhizosoleniales 目:根管藻目 Family: Rhizosoleniaceae 科:根管藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary or form short chains occasionally. The overall cell shape is crescent or roughly S-shaped, with epitheca smaller than hypotheca generally. Valves are curved and conical and obvious longitudinal lines on valves are observed. Intercalary bands are typically collar-shaped and numerous. Frustules are thin but strongly siliceous. Chloroplasts are granular, small, and numerous. 形態 細胞單個生活,偶爾形成短鏈。細胞整體呈彎月形或者近S 形,通常上殼比下殼 短。殼面呈彎曲的圓錐形,有縱列線紋。殼面頂端生一小短刺。間插帶為典型的領 狀紋,數量較多。細胞壁薄,但硅質化較強。色素體顆粒狀,小而多。 Ecology and distribution Rhizosolenia robusta is an oceanic to neritic species widely distributed from temperate to tropical regions. 生態與分佈 粗根管藻在近岸和大洋廣泛分佈,主要分佈在溫帶和熱帶。 Size