Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

155 Stephanopyxis turris 塔形冠蓋藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Coscinodiscophyceae 纲:中心硅藻綱 Order: Rhizosoleniales 目:根管藻目 Family: Rhizosoleniaceae 科:根管藻科 Morphology Cells are generally pill-shaped and varied from roughly cylindrical to almost spherical shape in girdle view. Valves are circular, generally convex, being covered by hexagonal areolae with almost similar size (4 to 5 in 10 μm). Cells are united by numerous (usually 9 to 10) hollow spines located near the valve margin. Chloroplasts are numerous and discoid. 形態 細胞殼環面觀呈藥丸狀,並可從大致圓柱狀到球狀轉換。殼面圓而凸起,分佈著大 小相近的六邊形篩室(每10 微米4 到5 個)。相鄰細胞通過靠近殼面邊緣的數條 (通常9到10條)中空刺相連成鏈。色素體多,盤狀。 Ecology and distribution Stephanopyxis turris is a cosmopolitan, neritic, and planktonic species which is mainly distributed in temperate to tropical waters. 生態與分佈 塔形冠蓋藻是廣布性近海浮游性物種,主要分佈在溫帶至熱帶海域。 Size