Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

165 Chaetoceros, which is widely distributed in coastal areas, estuaries, and open waters, is an extremely important bloom forming species. Chaetoceros is one of the dominant taxa in Hong Kong waters, with the highest abundance in summer and autumn. Since 1988, Chaetoceros blooms have occurred 19 times in Hong Kong waters. 生態與分佈 角毛藻在近岸、河口以及大洋廣泛分佈,也是極為重要的紅潮物種。香港海域角毛 藻是優勢類群之一,夏秋季豐度最高。自1988年以來,香港海域發生過19次角毛 藻紅潮。 Synonyms 同種異名 No synonyms are currently included in AlgaeBase. 无同種異名。