Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

167 Chaetoceros lorenzianus 勞氏角毛藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Chaetocerotales 目:角毛藻目 Family: Chaetocerotaceae 科:角毛藻科 Morphology Cells generally united to form short and straight chains. Valves are narrow, elliptical with the central area slightly concave or convex. Cells are roughly rectangular in girdle view, with sharp corners. Intercellular apertures are roughly hexagonal or elongated elliptical in shape. The intrachain setae are robust, emerge from the valve margin and fuse immediately with those of the adjacent cell. All setae are divergent and lie more or less in the same plane. Terminal setae are thicker generally, and sometimes shorter. Chloroplasts are plate-like and numerous. 形態 細胞鏈直而短,殼面狹橢圓形,中央部分微凹或微凸。殼環面觀大致為矩形,角尖。 細胞間隙略呈六角形或長橢圓形。鏈內角毛粗壯,從殼面邊緣伸出即與相鄰細胞角 毛融合。角毛分叉後幾乎都分佈在同一個平面。端角毛常較鏈內細胞角毛粗,有時 較短。色素體多,盤狀。 Ecology and distribution Chaetoceros lorenzianus is a cosmopolitan neritic species widely distributed from temperate to tropical waters. Chaetoceros lorenzianus is a tropical and temperate species widely distributed in coastal area. It is frequently observed in Hong Kong waters, especially in summer and autumn. 生態與分佈