Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

15 藍藻是分佈在不同生境的可進行光合作用的原核生物。 除了河口、近岸和大洋, 藍藻也在潮間帶岩石、大型海藻、海草以及其他基質表面生存。有些物種可以在一 些極端環境生存,如熱泉或高鹽的環境。藍藻經常為單細胞或形成聚集的群體。一 些絲狀藍藻束毛藻和一些單細胞藍藻能夠進行固氮作用,將氮氣分子轉化成其他 浮遊植物能夠利用的氨鹽。而海洋中豐度最高的浮遊植物超微型藍藻原綠球藻和 聚球藻,對海洋凈初級生產貢獻高達25%。 Diatoms and dinoflagellates are pivotal in coastal ecosystems, dominating the primary producers. Diatoms possess silicified cell wall and play the most important role in global silica cycle. Diatoms display remarkably high species diversity, with more than 16000 species recorded (Guiry, 2024) and estimated species number up to 200,000 (Mann et al., 1996). Dinoflagellates are also diverse, comprising nearly 3000 species (Guiry, 2024) varying in size, morphology, niche, and trophic strategies. Both diatoms and dinoflagellates are primary contributors to coastal blooms. 硅藻和甲藻是近岸浮遊植物的關鍵類群,是近岸初級生產力的主要貢獻者。硅藻具 有硅質化細胞壁,在全球硅循環中起到了最為重要的作用。硅藻物種多樣性極高, 已记录物種超过16000種(Guiry, 2024),數目據估計多達20萬種左右(Mann et al., 1996)。甲藻也具有極高的物種多樣性,約有超过3000 個物種记录 (Guiry, 2024),其粒徑、形態、生境、營養方式都具有很大的差異。硅藻和甲藻也是在近 岸形成紅潮的主要類群。 Other marine phytoplankton are also important parts of the marine ecosystems. Phaeocystis globosa, a haptophyte species, is known to form harmful blooms, whereas other haptophyte species like Isochrysis galbana serve as high-quality food for marine organisms such as shrimps, molluscs, and fish larvae. Coccolithophore species, through calcification, significantly influence the global carbon cycle. Haptophytes are a primary source of dimethylsulfide (DMS), the most prevalent volatile sulfur compound in seawater. DMS plays a vital role in climate regulation by promoting the formation of