Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

170 Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus 擬旋鏈角毛藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Chaetocerotales 目:角毛藻目 Family: Chaetocerotaceae 科:角毛藻科 Morphology Cells form spirally curved chains, with a roughly rectangular girdle view. Valves are elliptical or nearly circular and concave. Adjacent cells are connected by four protrusions on the valve, forming one large lenticular aperture in the center and two round, small aperture on the margin. The intrachain setae are similar, long, thin, arising from the valve edge and cross at their point of origin. The intrachain setae point towards the convex side of the spiral chain. Terminal setae are slightly thicker than others. However, due to the long and curved cell chains, it is difficult to observe the terminal setae. Each cell has one chloroplast. 形態 細胞形成螺旋狀彎曲的鏈,殼環面大致呈矩形。殼面橢圓或近圓形,下凹。相鄰細 胞通過殼面4 個突起相連,形成位於中央的一個較大的透鏡狀的細胞間隙以及兩 側的兩個較小的圓形細胞間隙。角毛形態相同,細長,從殼面邊緣生產交叉伸出。 鏈內細胞角毛都朝向鏈弧形彎曲的外側。端角毛比其他角毛略粗,但因細胞鏈較長 且彎,很難觀察到端角毛。每個細胞具一個色素體。 Ecology and distribution Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus is widely distributed in coastal area of tropical and subtropical regions. It is one of dominant species in Hong Kong coastal waters in summer and autumn. As a bloom forming species, Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus has caused blooms in 1996, 2002 and 2020 respectively.