Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

173 Leptocylindrus danicus 丹麥細柱藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Chaetocerotales 目:角毛藻目 Family: Leptocylindraceae 科:細柱藻科 Morphology Cells are long thin cylindrical. Valves are round, slightly convex or concave in the center. The heights (pervalvar axis) are roughly 2 to 12 times of diameters (apical axis). Cells form straight chains by abutting whole valves. Frustules are thin and intercalary bands are not visible under microscope. Chloroplasts are numerous. 形態 細胞呈細長圓柱形。殼面圓形,中央微凸或者微凹。細胞高度(貫殼軸)約為直徑 (縱軸)的2到12 倍。細胞通過殼面相連形成直鏈。細胞壁較薄,在普通光學顯 微鏡下看不到間插帶,色素體較多。 Ecology and distribution Leptocylindrus danicus is a neritic planktonic species widely distributed in temperate areas. L. danicus is a bloom forming species. In Hong Kong coastal waters, this species is one of dominant species and formed blooms in 1989 and 2001. 生態與分佈 丹麥細柱藻是廣泛分佈于溫帶的近海浮游物種。丹麥細柱藻是紅潮原因種。該物種 是香港海域優勢物種之一,曾在1989年以及2001年引發過紅潮。 Size