Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

16 cloud condensation nuclei, thereby affecting radiation levels. Additionally, certain raphidophyte species, such as Chattonella marina and Heterosigma akashiwo, can form harmful blooms leading to fish kills. Unicellular green algae also hold ecological significance in coastal and oceanic waters due to their high abundance. 其他海洋浮游植物類群在海洋生態系統重要的組成部分。定鞭藻球形棕囊藻可以 形成有害紅潮,而部分物種如球等鞭金藻是浮游動物和魚、蝦、貝類的優質餌料。 而顆石藻類群具有獨特的鈣化作用,在全球碳循環中起到了重要的作用。定鞭藻的 許多物種是二甲基硫的主要來源。二甲基硫是海洋中最多的揮發性硫化物,通過促 進形成雲結核改變輻射強度來調節氣候。針胞藻中的赤潮異彎藻、海洋卡盾藻也是 重要的紅潮生物,甚至可能會引發魚類死亡事件。海洋綠藻中的部分類群由於粒徑 小,豐度高,也在海洋生態系統中佔據重要作用。 Phytoplankton blooms 浮游植物紅潮 Various phytoplankton species can rapidly proliferate in estuaries, coastal areas, and even oceans under optimal conditions, forming blooms that may result in detrimental effects on marine ecosystems. These blooms have been linked to the death of fish and invertebrates due to gill clogging, oxygen depletion, and toxin release. Globally, there are more than 300 bloom forming phytoplankton species, with 86 of them documented in Hong Kong. More than 20 phytoplankton species are toxic or potentially harmful. The predominant bloom-forming phytoplankton in Hong Kong are diatoms and dinoflagellates, with frequent occurrences in coastal waters (Fig. 1). Between 1975 and 2023, 995 blooms were recorded in Hong Kong coastal waters, with dinoflagellates accounting for 62.1% of the blooms, diatoms for 14.5%, and other phytoplankton for 23.4%. Notably, Noctiluca scintillans blooms are the most common in Hong Kong waters, followed by Skeletonema and Mesodinium rubrum blooms. Approximately one-fifth of the blooms in Hong Kong coastal waters are induced by toxic or harmful species,