Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

179 Odontella sinensis 中華齒狀藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Eupodiscales 目:角盤藻目 Family: Odontellaceae 科:齒狀藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary or form short chains with relatively large size. The broad girdle views are commonly observed under microscope, and the heights (pervalvar axis) are up to more than 2 folds of widths (apical axis). The cells are long and elliptical for narrow girdle view which is rarely observed. Both ends of apical axis possess a short elevation (horn) with a flat end, which slightly extends outward. Two long spines (labiate processes) locating on the inner side of the elevations are parallel to the direction of the elevations but bend slightly inside at the end. The distance between spines and elevations is shorter than that of Odontella mobiliensis. There are many small granular chloroplasts in the cells. 形態 細胞較大,單獨生活,也可以形成短鏈。顯微鏡下多見長方形的寬殼環面觀,高度 可以達到寬度的兩倍以上。窄殼環面觀為長橢圓形,較為少見。殼面橢圓形。頂軸 兩端各生一個輕微向外伸出的末端截平的短角,短角內側有一細長的刺(唇形突), 與短角平行,末端輕微向內彎曲。短角和長刺之間的距離要小於活動齒狀藻。色素 體較多,小顆粒狀。 Ecology and distribution Odontella sinensis is a neritic planktonic species with broad temperature range. This species is a bloom forming species which triggered one bloom in Hong Kong coastal waters in 1992.