Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

183 Eucampia zodiacus 短角彎角藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Hemiaulales 目:半管藻目 Family: Hemiaulaceae 科:半管藻科 Morphology The broad girdle view is “H” shaped, and valve is oval with a concave center. A short angle with varying lengths and flat end protrudes at both ends of the valve apical axis. Adjacent cells are connected by short angles to form a spirally curved chain due to unequal length of both side of cell, with size-varied elliptical or circle-like gaps between adjacent cells. The cell size varies greatly, and the width (apical axis) is generally longer than height (pervalvar axis). Chloroplasts are numerous, small, and granular. 形態 細胞寬環面呈“工”字形,殼面為橢圓形,中部下凹。殼面縱軸兩端伸出長短不一的 短角,末端平截。細胞兩側長度不同,相鄰細胞通過短角相連形成螺旋狀鏈狀群體。 相鄰細胞間具有大小不一的橢圓形至圓形的空隙。細胞大小變化很大,一般寬(縱 軸)大於高(貫殼軸)。色素體多,顆粒較小。 Ecology and distribution Eucampia zodiacus is a cosmopolitan neritic species widely distributed from temperate to tropical waters. Eucampia zodiacus is a bloom forming species and formed blooms frequently in many regions especially in Japan. In Hong Kong coastal waters, Eucampia zodiacus formed bloom in 1995 and 2002. It was reported that the proliferation of this species can cause bleaching of nori (Porphyra thalli), resulting negative effect to the aquaculture (Nishikawa et al., 2007, 2009, 2013).