Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

17 producing toxins such as paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP), neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP), hemolytic toxins, okadaic acid, and domoic acid, posing risks to fish, shellfish, and human health. Blooms occur in all coastal areas of Hong Kong, with Tolo Harbour experiencing particularly frequent occurrences (Fig. 2). Seasonally, blooms are more common in spring compared to the rest of the year (Fig. 3). 浮游植物許多物種在環境適宜時可以在河口、近岸甚至大洋快速增殖形成紅潮,給 海洋生態系統帶來危害。浮游植物紅潮可能會造成魚鰓堵塞、水體缺氧、甚至毒素 分泌,造成魚類和無脊椎動物死亡。 全世界引發紅潮的浮游植物有超過300 種, 香港海域引發紅潮的浮游植物約為86 種,其中超過20 種為有毒或可能有害的物 種。 香港引發紅潮的浮游植物以硅藻、甲藻為主。 自1975年至2023年,香港海 域紅潮頻繁發生(圖1),共錄得995 宗紅潮,其中618 是甲藻引發,佔總數的 62.1%, 144宗由硅藻引起,占14.5%。其他類別的浮游植物引發233宗紅潮,佔 比23.4%。夜光藻引發的紅潮在香港海域最為常見,其次是骨條藻以及紅色中縊蟲。 香港海域紅潮近1/5 是由超過有毒有害物種引發。 浮游植物產生的典型毒素包括 失憶性貝毒,麻痹性貝毒、神經性貝毒、溶血性毒素、大田軟海綿酸、軟骨藻酸等, 會造成魚類、貝類死亡甚至會危害人類健康。香港紅潮几乎遍佈香港各海域,其中 吐露港尤為頻繁 (圖2)。此外,香港一年中春季較其他季節更為頻繁發生紅潮 (圖3)。 History of research on phytoplankton in Hong Kong 香港浮游植物研究歷史與現狀 Hong Kong, located in the subtropical region, is characterized by numerous bays and islands. The western side is impacted by the freshwater discharge from the Pearl River, which brings high concentrations of nutrients and suspended particles, whereas the eastern and southern sides are influenced by the oceanic waters of the South China Sea. Anthropogenic activities and the strength of the Zhe-Min Coastal Current modulated by monsoon play significant roles in shaping the spatial-temporal distribution of