18 phytoplankton in Hong Kong waters. The scientific exploration of phytoplankton in Hong Kong dates back to the 19th century. In 1864, Lauder conducted seasonal surveys on diatom abundance and composition in Hong Kong coastal waters, identifying 12 new species of Chaetoceros (Lauder, 1864). The earliest identification, classification, and description of Sketonema costatum, a crucial diatom species, were based on samples collected from Hong Kong coastal waters in 1866. 香港地處亞熱帶海域,海灣和島嶼眾多,西部受珠江淡水及其输入的高營養鹽以及 懸浮顆粒物影響,東部和南部則偏向於南海海水影響。來自於人類活動的影響以及 季風驅動的闽浙沿岸流强度也會深刻影響香港海域浮遊植物的時空分佈。香港的 浮游植物研究肇始於19 世紀。 早在1864 年,Lauder 在香港海域對硅藻的豐度、 組成開展季節性調查,並描述了12個角毛藻新物種(變型)(Lauder, 1864)。硅 藻中最重要的物種之一中肋骨條藻的最初的鑒定、分類以及描述,也是基於1866 年於香港採集的水樣標本。 Research on phytoplankton in Hong Kong has advanced significantly over the past two centuries. Until the early 21st century, studies were primarily focused on specific regions such as Tolo Harbour (Thompson & Ho, 1981; Hodgkiss & Chan, 1983; Chan & Hodgkiss, 1988; Lam & Ho, 1989), Victoria Harbour (Kueh, 2002), Port Shelter, and Lamma Island (Dickman et al., 2002). Recent investigations have expanded to encompass a broader examination of phytoplankton species diversity in Hong Kong waters. Li (2006) conducted an analysis of diatom species diversity across various coastal areas from September 2004 to September 2005, identifying 117 species and variants belonging to 42 diatom genera. Lin (2007) and Ye (2011) conducted seasonal and monthly surveys in different zones, identifying 254 and 206 phytoplankton species, respectively. Ye (2011) also reported a total of 388 phytoplankton species based on both current investigations and historical data. Notably, diatoms and dinoflagellates are predominant in Hong Kong coastal waters, with key species including Skeletonema, Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, and Pseudo-nitzschia. Additionally, certain dinoflagellate species of Prorocentrum, Gymnodinium, and Scrippsiella were also dominant during the summer or autumn.