207 Skeletonema costatum 中肋骨条藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Thalassiosirales 目:海鏈藻目 Family: Skeletonemataceae 科:骨条藻科 Morphology Cells are lens or button shaped and form long chains. Valves are circle and convex significantly. The length of the intercellular space varies, but it is often longer than the length of the cell itself. In terminal valves, fultoportulae are open along their length, ending with a claw-like protrusion. In inter-calary valves, fultoportulae are closed, with a small hole at their base. Each fultoportula connects with two of the sibling valves, displaying zigzag mode. Each cell contains one to two chloroplasts. 形態 細胞呈透鏡或鈕扣狀,可形成長鏈。 殼面圓,明顯鼓起。 細胞間隙長短不一,但 往往長於細胞本身的長度。 鏈端支持突外管全部裂開,末端呈指狀或爪狀突起。 鏈中支持突閉合,基部具一小孔,支持突之間連接方式一般情況下為1:2 連接, 呈Z字形,支持突之間連接方式一般情況下為1:2 連接,呈Z字形。 細胞一般 1到2個色素體。 Ecology and distribution Skeletonema costatum is a cosmopolitan species in coastal area, but mainly distributed in temperate to tropical seas. 生態與分佈 中肋骨條藻是近岸廣布性物種,但主要分佈在溫帶到熱帶的海域。