Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

19 兩個世紀以來,香港浮游植物研究取得了長足發展。 直至21世紀初,香港海域的 浮游植物研究主要局限於特定海域,如吐露港(Thompson & Ho, 1981; Hodgkiss & Chan, 1983; Chan & Hodgkiss, 1988; Lam & Ho, 1989)、維多利亞港(Kueh, 2002)、牛尾海及南丫島(Dickman et al., 2002)。 近年來,部分對香港海域浮 游植物物種多樣性研究拓展到全面調查。 李揚(2006)分析了2004 年9 月至2005 年9 月香港不同海域的硅藻物種多樣性,共鑒定到硅藻42 個屬,117 物種(變 型)。 基於香港不同海域不同季度/月份的調查,林旭吟(2007)和葉青(2011) 分別鑒定出254和206個浮游植物物種。 葉青(2011)結合歷史數據,統計出香 港海域388個浮游植物物種。 香港海域以硅藻和甲藻為主,其中優勢物種主要有 骨條藻、角毛藻、海鏈藻和擬菱形藻。一些甲藻如原甲藻、裸甲藻和施克里普藻在 夏季或秋季形成優勢。 The Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) and the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (EPD) have conducted extensive investigations into the composition of phytoplankton species in the coastal waters of Hong Kong in past decades. To mitigate the impact of harmful algal blooms (HABs) on aquaculture, AFCD has established a comprehensive phytoplankton monitoring program. Through regular sampling intervals - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and seasonally - in various fish culture zones and offshore stations over the past decades, AFCD has identified over 800 phytoplankton species in Hong Kong's coastal waters. AFCD has also produced three illustrated books detailing bloom-forming species in the region. Concurrently, the Hong Kong EPD has been monitoring water quality at 76 stations across 10 water control zones since 1986, assessing various parameters including chlorophyll concentration. Since 2000, EPD has conducted monthly sampling surveys at 26 stations within the 10 water control zones to analyze phytoplankton species composition, abundance, and size. The findings are subsequently disseminated to the public through the annual seawater quality report.