210 Skeletonema dohrnii 多尼骨条藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Thalassiosirales 目:海鏈藻目 Family: Skeletonemataceae 科:骨条藻科 Morphology Cells form long chains which are often curved or coiled. Valve diameter 4–12mm. External processes of the fultoportulae open, with flat and flared tips and jagged distal margins. Each fultoportula links to one or two fultoportulae of the sibling valve with very simple mode. No intricate knots or knuckles are observed on junction. Each cell contains 1–2 chloroplasts. 形態 細胞可形成可彎曲或螺旋的長鏈,支持突外管裂開,末端扁平呈喇叭狀,邊緣鋸齒 狀。每個支持突和相鄰殼面支援突以簡單的方式1:1或1:2連接。 連接處沒有 複雜的結或關節狀。每個細胞1到2個色素體。 Ecology and distribution Skeletonema dohrnii is a cosmopolitan species in coastal area distributed from cold zones to tropical areas. 生態與分佈 多尼骨條藻是近岸廣布性物種,主要分佈在寒带到热带的海域。