Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

213 Skeletonema tropicum 热带骨条藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Mediophyceae 纲:中型硅藻綱 Order: Thalassiosirales 目:海鏈藻目 Family: Skeletonemataceae 科:骨条藻科 Morphology Typical cells of Skeletonema tropicum is large and strongly silicified. The valves are convex with an almost vertical mantle. Cells possess numerous chloroplasts, usually 5 to 10, up to a maximum of 30. Cells can form relatively long straight chains. Fultoportulae are open, ending with truncated tips or, a stout spine or a claw-like projection. Each fultoportula connects with one fultoportula of the sibling valve with a knuckle-like junction, but occasionally single 1:2 junctions are observed. 形態 典型的熱帶骨條藻細胞個體較大,硅質壁硅質化較強。殼面凸起,殼套幾乎垂直。 細胞色素體較多,一般5到10個,最多可達30個。細胞可形成較直的長鏈。支持 突裂開,末端截平,或者呈粗壯的刺狀或爪狀。相鄰細胞殼面之間支援突以指狀關 節1:1連接,偶爾會出現1:2。 Ecology and distribution Skeletonema tropicum was mainly observed in tropical and sub-tropical coastal areas. 生態與分佈 熱帶骨條藻主要分佈在熱帶和亞熱帶的近岸。