20 香港漁農自然護理署和香港環境保護署在過去幾十年香港海域浮游植物物種組成 進行了大量調查。 為減少紅潮對水產養殖的影響,香港漁農自然護理署已實施一 項長期的浮游植物監測計劃。通過對香港主要魚類養殖與以及離岸監測站進行每 周、每兩周、每月或每季度在不同魚類養殖區和離岸站位的採樣、調查,香港漁農 自然護理署鑒定了800 多種浮游植物,並出版了三本引發红潮的浮游植物圖鑒。 香港環境保護署自1986年開始包含葉綠素濃度的香港海域水質監測。 自2000年 開始對香港海域10個26個站位每個月進行取樣調查,分析浮游植物的物種組成、 豐度和粒徑大小,並將結果在每年的海水水質年報里向公眾公佈。 Research methods of phytoplankton species diversity 浮游植物多樣性研究方法 Phytoplankton species diversity is primarily assessed through traditional and molecular methods. Water samples or plankton trawl net samples are fixed using Lugol’s solution or formalin and stored in the dark. Subsequently, the samples are gently inverted to resuspend the cells and observed under a microscope after sedimentation in a Utermöhl chamber (Fig. 4) or Sedgewick Rafter cell (Fig. 5). For species that are not easy to be identified using a light microscope alone, isolation, cultivation, and further analysis are required. Polarized light microscopy is essential for distinguishing coccolithophore species based on the morphology, dimensions, and arrangement of coccoliths. Fluorescence microscopy is particularly valuable for identifying certain dinoflagellates by observing plates on the cell surface after fluorescence staining. The application of electron microscopy has significantly advanced species identification based on ultrastructural features not visible under light microscopy. Molecular methods, involving DNA extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), sequencing, genome analysis, and bioinformatic analyses, offer a novel perspective on phytoplankton classification according to their phylogenetic relationships. These methods have emerged as fundamental and precise tools for recognizing phytoplankton species. The rapid and effective nature of molecular techniques has ushered phytoplankton identification, classification, and diversity investigations into the molecular era.