Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

242 Akashiwo sanguinea 血紅赤潮藻 Phylum: Dinoflagellata 门:甲藻門 Class: Dinophyceae 纲:甲藻綱 Order: Akashiwales 目:紅潮藻目 Family: Akashiwaceae 科:紅潮藻科 Morphology Cells are relatively large, solitary, athecate, and highly variable in size. Cells are dorsoventrally compressed with ovate to roughly pentagonal shape. Epicone and hypocone are generally similar in size. The epicone is broadly conical, with bluntly rounded apex while the hypocone has two prominent posterior lobes. The apical groove encircles the apex spirally. The cingulum is median, descending, and displaced about 1-1.5 cingular widths. The sulcus is narrow, deeply excavated and reaches the antapex. Chloroplasts are numerous and yellow-brown. 形態 細胞較大,獨立生活,不具甲板,粒徑變化交大。細胞背腹扁平,呈橢圓形到大致 五邊形不定。上殼和下殼大小幾乎一致,上殼鈍圓,下殼後端兩側有兩個明顯的突 出物。頂溝螺旋環繞細胞頂端。橫溝位於細胞中間,下行,位移約為橫溝寬度的1 到1.5倍。縱溝較窄較深,延伸到細胞底端。色素體較多,呈黃褐色。 Ecology and distribution Akashiwo sanguinea is cosmopolitan planktonic species with a worldwide distribution in temperate and tropical waters. It is a bloom forming species which is nearly always found in coastal and estuarine locations. Akashiwo sanguinea has caused 67 blooms in Hong Kong coastal waters from 1995 to 2023. The toxicity of Akashiwo sanguinea is not clearly studied. However, it was reported that this potentially toxic species may be associated with mortality of fish and invertebrates (Cardwell et al., 1979; Jordan, 1979; Tindall et