Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

245 Amphidinium carterae 強壯前溝藻 Phylum: Dinoflagellata 门:甲藻門 Class: Dinophyceae 纲:甲藻綱 Order: Amphidiniales 目:前溝藻目 Family: Amphidiniaceae 科:前溝藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary, oval, athecate, and dorso-ventrally compressed, with small sizes. The epicone is significantly smaller than hypocone and display crescent or tongue shape, deflecting to the left from dorsal view. The cingulum is narrow, descending and displaced about twice the width of cingulum. 形態 細胞單獨生活,橢圓形,不具甲板,粒徑較小。 背腹扁平。上殼細小,呈新月形 或舌形,從背部看向左邊傾斜。橫溝窄,下行,位移寬度為橫溝寬度的兩倍左右。 Ecology and distribution Amphidinium carterae is a cosmopolitan species in coastal and estuarine waters. It is capable to form blooms and produce hemolytic toxin. No Amphidinium carterae blooms were recorded in Hong Kong coastal waters till now. 生態與分佈 強壯前溝藻是廣布性物種,分佈於近岸和河口。該物種可以形成紅潮並產生溶血性 毒素。香港海域尚無紅潮記錄。 Size