248 Dinophysis caudata 具尾鰭藻 Phylum: Dinoflagellata 门:甲藻門 Class: Dinophyceae 纲:甲藻綱 Order: Dinophysales 目:鰭藻目 Family: Dinophysaceae 科:鰭藻科 Morphology Cells are laterally compressed, irregularly subovate in lateral view with a long posterior finger-like projection. Cells are solitary and often occur in pairs, dorsally attached. The epicone is small and almost invisible while the hypocone is much larger. The cingulum is bordered by two well-developed lists projected anteriorly. The anterior cingular list is widely and deeply funnel-shaped, supported by radial ridges. The posterior cingular list is narrow and no ribs are observed. The left sulcal list is wide, extending to about half of cell length, and supported by three long, slightly curved ribs spaced equally apart. The thecal plates are covered with prominent polygonal areolae. 形態 細胞側面扁平,呈不規則卵形,後部延伸出一個長的手指狀凸起。細胞單獨生活, 但經常成對出現,以背部相連。上殼較小,幾乎不可見,下殼較大。橫溝具兩圈邊 翅,均向上伸展。上邊翅較寬,向上伸展呈漏斗形,具輻射狀肋。下邊翅較窄,無 肋,左溝邊翅很寬,長度也幾乎是細胞長度的1/2,並有3條較長的輕微彎曲並等 距離相隔的長肋支撐。細胞甲板覆蓋許多明顯的多邊形的孔紋。 Ecology and distribution Dinophysis caudata is cosmopolitan planktonic species which is mainly distributed in costal and estuarine waters in warm temperate to tropical area. Dinophysis caudata could produce diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) which may induce ecological and public health risk.